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Usb/bt Joycenter Xbox One Controller Driver

카테고리 없음

by tempdibornea1983 2021. 6. 3. 15:17


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Note: after 2+ hours in chat with the Xbox Technical Support Team, they asked that I document this issue in these forums, so here it is. It's very detailed so the Technical Teams working on Xbox accessories and/or Windows 10 on Surface Pro 4 have as much information as they need to resolve the issue.


On July 26, 2016, I bought a Surface Pro 4 (256GB / Intel Core i5 / 8GB RAM) with the Xbox One 1TB Tom Clancy's The Division bundle from the Microsoft Store.

I have used the Wireless Controller (with Bluetooth) on the console without any problems. It goes without saying, but this Bluetooth-ready controller is designed to connect to the Xbox One console or any Windows 10 device (except mobile devices) running on the Anniversary Update of Windows 10, version 1607, released Aug 02, 2016, withoutthe need for a USB adapter.


Android Settings -> Battery -> Options -> 'Battery optimization' -> Select 'All Apps' Now select 'USB/BT Joystick Center' and change to 'Don't optimize' Here are some features of the App: - Unique: Driver Editor + Filter (you can create your own Gamepad Driver easily) - New: Very Easy Joy2Touch GUI (Add/Move/Delete) - New: Gamepad Emulation. Download the 3.75★ USB/BT Joystick Center GOLD 1.0027 at Aptoide now. And PS3 Gamepad Controller with any connected Joystick/Gamepad. With USB BT CSR Dongle. This article covers three different ways to connect your Xbox One controller with your Windows: via USB cable, wireless adapter, and Bluetooth. The Windows will install the Xbox One controller driver automatically for you. Make sure there are batteries in your controller. I have an xbox one controller that can connect to my pc with bluetooth, but is having some problems when playing online ( not really the point). I have the latest windows update and when I try using a wired connection to my controller my PC doesn’t automatically install the controller drivers like ive heard it should.

I tried to connect my wireless controller last night to my Surface Pro 4, but the controller would not appear in the list of available Bluetooth devices so I could not bind to it. I believe the issue causing this is a missing driver in the 'Network adapters' section in the Device Manager window.


You nice folks reading this will probably want to make sure that I have compatible hardware and software on both sides of the connection, so let's get that out of the way first.

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Troubleshooting Measures Already Taken:

Xbox One Controller Driver For Pc

There are three pages on support.xbox.com with the most helpful instructions regarding connecting the controller to a PC, troubleshooting Bluetooth issues on Windows 10, and troubleshooting the Xbox wireless adapter for Windows.

Page #1 - How to connect an Xbox One Wireless Controller to a Windows PC

This page states in the overview section that 'You can connect your Xbox Controller to a Windows PC either by using a cable, the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows, or Bluetooth.' (emphasis mine)

The table below that paragraph shows the various platforms supporting the use of the wireless controller, including the XBox One Console and Windows 10, 8.1, and 7 PCs. In the row for Windows 10 PCs, there are two notes given - one applies to connecting the controller via Xbox Wireless and USB, and the other applies to connecting the controller via Bluetooth - it's the Bluetooth connection we're concerned about here. The note states that connecting via Bluetooth 'requires Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and Xbox Wireless Controller with Bluetooth'.

In my Windows Update history, it shows two entries related to the Windows 10, version 1607 update:

  • Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB3176495) - Successfully installed on 8/9/2016
  • Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB3176929) - Successfully installed on 8/3/2016

No additional updates from Windows Update are available at this time (Friday, 8/12/2016, 8:44 AM MDT).

And this is the edition of the wireless controller (with Bluetooth) which I'm trying to connect: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-one/accessories/controllers/wireless-controller. My controller does have the ))) icon next to the Bind button, meaning the controller does have Bluetooth.

Next, the Xbox support page discusses having the right drivers installed. 'For Windows 10, the most current drivers are pre-installed with the operating system and are automatically updated through the Xbox Accessories app.' I will add here that on Wednesday, 8/10/2016, while the controller was connected to my Xbox One console, the system prompted me to update the controller firmware, which I did, so the controller is running with its latest update.

A few lines down, the page displays instructions for checking for updates manually in the Device Manager. Apparently I should be able to find a driver titled Microsoft Xbox One Controller in the list, but I didn't see it anywhere in any of the device categories, but this is likely due to me running on Windows 10, and not on 8.1 or 7. Either way, I went through the next steps and downloaded the Microsoft - Other hardware - Microsoft Xbox One Controller driver from the Microsoft Update Catalog web app (on IE11) for the AMD64 architecture, since my Surface Pro 4 is a 64-bit machine. I extracted the contents of the downloaded CAB file, right-clicked the file xb1usb.inf and installed the driver, however it failed to make any change or add any entry into the Device Manager list, despite multiple clicks of the 'Scan for Hardware Changes' button and complete system restarts.

So the manual driver installation didn't do anything to help me on the Surface Pro 4.. moving on.

Skipping the 'Set up a controller using a USB cable' and 'Set up a controller wirelessly' (because I'm not interested in using the USB adapter - only the Bluetooth connection), we get to the last section on this page, 'Set up a controller using Bluetooth'. Obviously I had tried this first and multiple attempts throughout the previously described troubleshooting steps, but I should at least describe what I encountered while trying to bind the controller to my Surface Pro 4.

For clarity's sake I'll restate here that I do have a wireless controller with Bluetooth, denoted by the O ))) bind button. Holding down the bind button for a couple of seconds makes the Xbox button blink on and off rapidly, putting it into pairing mode. On the Windows 10 side, on the 'Manage Bluetooth devices' window in the Settings app, my PC was already connected and/or paired with the Surface Pen and a Bluetooth headset - both of which work fine so I know my Bluetooth adapter on the Surface Pro 4 is functioning properly, able to find new Bluetooth devices, and pair/connect with them successfully.

However, when I put the controller into pairing mode, the Surface Pro 4 fails to detect it as an available device. It simply doesn't show up at all. Other users have seen a listing pop up with the name 'XBOX ACC' and can fix issues there by updating the related driver in the Device Manager, but again, it doesn't come up this way for me. There was a split second, just once, where I did see a listing in the 'Manage Bluetooth devices' window appear for just a moment before disappearing again. I can't say for sure, but I think the name of the device (before it disappeared) was 'XBOX ACC'. I couldn't get it to do that again, no matter what I did.

Here are some more links about the XBOX ACC driver, but I think this driver is only helpful to those using the USB wireless adapter - probably not useful for a Bluetooth connection:

None of the above helped me resolve the issue, so let's look at the next Xbox support page.

Page #2 - Connect and troubleshoot Bluetooth on your Xbox One Wireless Controller

This second page repeats much of the information on the first Xbox Support page I walked through. The page starts by listing several caveats for the Bluetooth connection to work between the wireless controller and the Windows 10 device. Here are the criteria, and my Yes/No comment added to indicate if my own scenario complies:

  1. Xbox One Wireless Controller has the Bluetooth feature, shown on top of the controller next to the Bind button with this symbol O ))) - Yes
  2. Bluetooth requires PC/device to run the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (version 1607) - Yes
  3. Bluetooth is supported on a PC, tablet, or laptop, but not supported on mobile device - Yes
  4. Bluetooth does not support any attachments, such as headsets, Chatpads, or the Xbox Stereo adapter - N/A
  5. One controller can be connected to your PC via Bluetooth at a time - If only I could get one to connect in the first place!
  6. Supported scenarios:
  • Windows 10 / via Bluetooth - one (1) Xbox Wireless Controller only (Yes), running Windows 10 Anniversary Edition (Yes), and Xbox Wireless Controller has Bluetooth (Yes)

My hardware and software meet the above criteria, so next the page instructs me on how to connect the wireless controller to my PC using Bluetooth, which I've already tried dozens of times but to no avail. Moving on.

In the 'Troubleshoot Bluetooth Issues on Windows 10' section, the scenarios don't apply to my case since I never could get the controller to pair with my PC in the first place. As stated, the Surface never detected the controller in the list of Bluetooth devices available.

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Let's move on to the third Xbox support page, where I think we finally get to the root of the issue.

Page #3 - Troubleshoot the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows

Looking at the Topics in the support article, which ones apply to my case?

  • The adapter didn't auto-install - Probably
  • The adapter was working but isn't responding now - N/A for Bluetooth connection issue
  • The controller won't bind to the adapter - N/A for Bluetooth connection issue
  • Headset audio issues through the controller - N/A
  • The controller frequently disconnects from the adapter - N/A for Bluetooth connection issue
  • Other controller problems - N/A for Bluetooth connection issue

Xbox One Controller Driver Download

Looks like the only applicable topic on the page is the first one - the adapter didn't auto-install.

The section reads: 'Because the drivers for the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows are embedded within the Windows 10 operating system, the adapter should auto-install.'


I think the driver(s) for the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows 10 are missing on my device, despite my Surface Pro 4 running the Anniversary update of Windows.

The page continues: 'If it doesn't, try the following solutions:

  • Make sure your Windows 10 device is connected to the Internet. - Yes
  • Make sure your Windows 10 device is up to date by going to Windows Update on your device and checking for available updates. - Yes
  • Reboot your device and try again. - Yes
  • Ensure your USB ports are not disabled in your Device Manager. - Yes
  • Try another USB 2.0 or 3.0 port. - N/A for Bluetooth connection issue
  • Try reinstalling the drivers in case they have partially installed. To do so, you need to uninstall the drivers. - Can't do it; drivers not showing in Device Manager

Let's take a closer look at the last one - the page gives steps to manually check on the drivers.

  • Try reinstalling the drivers in case they have partially installed. To do so, you need to uninstall the drivers. Follow these steps to complete this process:
  1. Go to your Device Manager. - OK
  2. Locate Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows in the Network adapters section. - Not found!

The last step in this list is

8. If the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows still does not install, follow all of the above steps thoroughly one more time. If this doesn't work, your adapter needs to be replaced. See How to get service for your Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows.

but since we're not concerned with getting a USB adapter replaced, but rather fixing the Bluetooth connection issue, the root of the problem is not being able to properly install the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows if the driver was not auto-installed or partially installed.

Tech support also asked me to try plugging in the controller via USB/micro USB to my Surface to see if it works on a wired connection, and it does that just fine. I was able to open the Xbox Accessories app and view my controller which was properly linked to my Gamertag. I made sure the controller wasn't lacking another update even though the night before the controller firmware got updated while it was connected to my Xbox One console), and tried again to connect via Bluetooth, hoping the controller had pushed the needed driver installation on my Windows 10 OS. This also made no difference.


And now the bad news - the chat representative on the Xbox Support team informed me that, after coordinating this issue with the Technical Team, 'based on [their] review, for now, the compatibility is for Windows PC only' (referring to desktop and probably laptop PCs only; many tablets like my Surface Pro 4 might be missing the driver).

Usb/bt Joycenter Xbox One Controller Driver Windows 10

I need help tracking down and installing the Windows 10 driver for connecting the Xbox One Wireless Controller via Bluetooth!

Usb/bt Joycenter Xbox One Controller Driver Windows 7

The support guys asked me to post in the forms so that they can track the issue and further investigate it.

I also saved my chat conversation with the Xbox Support representative in a .txt file, which you can view here.

The latest version of the Xbox controller—the one included with the Xbox One S and the upcoming One X—includes Bluetooth! Microsoft finally included Bluetooth along with the older proprietary Xbox wireless connection, so Windows users can hook it up without an extra dongle. Here’s how to connect it to your Bluetooth-equipped laptop or desktop.

What You’ll Need

First of all, you need to see if your Xbox One controller is the updated kind or the older one that needs a dongle. There’s an easy way to tell: the newer design has its central “Xbox button” molded into the same plastic piece as the face buttons (like A, B, X, and Y). The older design molds that button into the plastic on the top of the controller, the same part that has the shoulder buttons and triggers. To put it simply, the new version has Bluetooth, the old version doesn’t.

You’ll also need a PC running Windows 10, with at least the Anniversary Update (August, 2016). And of course, you’ll also need Bluetooth. If you’ve bought a laptop in the last five years or so it’s almost certainly capable, but many desktops (if they don’t include a Wi-Fi card) don’t have it installed by default. In that case, you’ll need a USB Bluetooth dongle. And sure, it’s still a dongle, but at least it’s useful for more than just an Xbox controller.

Connect the Controller

Connecting the controller to Bluetooth is fairly simple. We’re using a Windows desktop because it’s one of the only things that the controller is explicitly designed to work with. You can connect it to other things, like an Android phone, but the proprietary layout means it probably won’t work for any actual gaming.

Usb/bt Joy Center Xbox One Controller Driver Windows 10

To begin, make sure there’s nothing else turned on in the room that might interfere with the connection—like an Xbox One console or an Xbox Windows adapter dongle. Turn the controller on by pressing the center Xbox button, then press and hold the wireless connection button on the top of the controller, to the left of the charging port. The light in the Xbox button should begin flashing rapidly.

On your computer, open the “Bluetooth and other devices” page from the main Settings menu, or just click the Start button and type “Bluetooth” to find the link quickly. Click “Add Bluetooth or other device,” then click “Bluetooth” again.

Select your controller from the list, and then click it. It should connect automatically. Now you’re ready to start playing any game compatible with the standard Xbox controller input.

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